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The Power of EPLAN eVIEW in Revolutionizing Control Panel Design

Written by Alea Katan | Dec 13, 2023 6:32:23 PM

In the rapidly evolving world of controls and automation, efficient design and manufacturing processes are vital for solutions for industrial operations. With a century of experience, George T. Hall Company (GTH) brings expertise to control panel design and manufacturing by creating customizable solutions for an array of applications. Our people and our solutions are Built Beyond Expectations. When strategically planning goals aligned with our culture of continuous improvement, we chose EPLAN as a solution in achieving improved efficiency within our design and production processes. This software has been instrumental in achieving some of our goals surrounding continuous improvement specific to our processes in design and manufacturing for our UL Certified Control Panel Shops. In a previous blog, “Streamlining UL Control Panel Design and Manufacturing with EPLAN” we highlighted the advantages of using EPLAN and partnering with GTH for your control panel solutions.

In this blog we want to highlight the innovative feature built into EPLAN called eVIEW. GTH actively serves numerous Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEM) clients in the realm of control panel manufacturing. We have witnessed remarkable advantages by incorporating EPLAN, particularly leveraging the EPLAN eVIEW feature for customized panels. This integration has resulted in a streamlined approval process, fostered structured collaboration, provided an enhanced review experience, and ensured both data security and sustainability. eVIEW is more than just an addon; it is a comprehensive suite of features meticulously designed to streamline collaboration throughout the entire lifecycle of projects. As a browser-based tool, it offers a seamless and efficient way for multiple engineers to work on the same project simultaneously. Let us explore the multifaceted benefits that EPLAN eVIEW brings to the table for OEMs.

Collaboration is the cornerstone of successful control panel projects and in the world of OEMs, time is of the essence. With EPLAN eVIEW, collaboration reaches new heights. Engineers can make drawing markups with defined steps throughout the design process. Customers, too, can actively participate by reviewing and performing markups directly in the EPLAN eVIEW platform. This cloud-based collaboration ensures immediate updates and smooth communication, fostering a structured and error-reducing environment. The integration of augmented reality is a standout feature of EPLAN eVIEW. The Free AR (Augmented Reality) add-on allows users to effortlessly share 3D electrical designs. This goes beyond traditional collaboration methods by enabling the direct projection of designs into the physical environment. The result is a unique and immersive review experience, enhancing understanding and communication among stakeholders.

Utilizing this tool cuts down on the confusion of when the last edits took place and by whom, eVIEW stores the history comments and edits within their specific projects account. Utilizing tools like this here at GTH within our design process is a natural fit for our core goal of continuous improvement and our commitment to maintaining consistently high levels of quality. EPLAN eVIEW transforms the approval process into a seamless experience. Customers gain real-time access to their projects, viewing 3D and 2D drawings and making redline comments instantly. This eliminates the need for traditional and time-consuming email exchanges and PDF downloads, significantly enhancing overall efficiency.

One of the key strengths of EPLAN eVIEW is its commitment to accessibility and flexibility. Users can conveniently access and comment on changes from any location using a standard internet browser on any type of device, even their smart phone. This not only enhances adaptability but also significantly improves workflow efficiency. EPLAN eVIEW empowers users to stay connected and engaged, regardless of their physical location.

The platform's commitment to data security is paramount. EPLAN eVIEW provides a location-independent sole source of truth, where users have control over access rights. This ensures the confidentiality and integrity of engineering project data. Beyond security, the platform promotes sustainability by offering a paperless solution for engineering coordination. Digital documentation for servicing and maintenance contributes to lower paper consumption and ensures up-to-date plant documentation.

Embracing EPLAN and leveraging the expertise of GTH as UL Control Panel manufacturers is a powerful step toward achieving excellence in control panel solutions for industrial operations. The combination of EPLAN's specialized software and the collaborative features of EPLAN eVIEW ensures not only compliance, design efficiency, and documentation consistency but also a higher level of collaboration, quality, and expertise. Partnering with GTH opens the door to a new era of control panel design that is streamlined, efficient, and built beyond expectations.

Click here, to contact a Business Development Engineers on how EPLAN can work for you.